


seldom 通过seldom命令提供了脚手架,可以快速的帮我们创建自动化测试项目。

  1. 查看帮助:
> seldom --help
Usage: seldom [OPTIONS]

  seldom CLI.

  --version                       Show version.
  --project-api TEXT              Create an API automation test project.
  --project-app TEXT              Create an App automation test project.
  --project-web TEXT              Create an Web automation test project.
  -cc, --clear-cache BOOLEAN      Clear all caches of seldom.
  -p, --path TEXT                 Run test case file path.
  -c, --collect / -nc, --no-collect
                                  Collect project test cases. Need the
  -l, --level [data|method]       Parse the level of use cases. Need the
  -j, --case-json TEXT            Test case files. Need the `--path`.
  -e, --env TEXT                  Set the Seldom run environment `Seldom.env`.
  -b, --browser [chrome|firefox|ie|edge|safari]
                                  The browser that runs the Web UI automation
                                  tests. Need the `--path`.
  -u, --base-url TEXT             The base-url that runs the HTTP automation
                                  tests. Need the `--path`.
  -d, --debug / -nd, --no-debug   Debug mode. Need the `--path`.
  -rr, --rerun INTEGER            The number of times a use case failed to run
                                  again. Need the `--path`.
  -r, --report TEXT               Set the test report for output. Need the
  -m, --mod TEXT                  Run tests modules, classes or even
                                  individual test methods from the command
                                  Set the log level.
  -h2c, --har2case TEXT           HAR file converts an seldom test case.
  -s2c, --swagger2case TEXT       Swagger file converts an seldom test case.
  --api-excel TEXT                Run the api test cases in the excel file.
  --help                          Show this message and exit.
  1. 创建项目:
> seldom -P mypro


├── test_dir/
│   ├── __init__.py
│   ├── test_web_sample.py
│   ├── test_api_sample.py
├── test_data/
│   ├── data.json
├── reports/
└── confrun.py
  • test_dir/ 测试用例目录。
  • test_data/ 测试数据文件目录。
  • reports/ 测试报告目录。
  • confrun.py 运行测试用例配置文件。
  1. 克隆项目


  • seldom-web-testing
> git clone https://github.com/SeldomQA/seldom-web-testing
  • seldom-api-testing
> git clone https://github.com/defnngj/seldom-api-testing



import seldom

class YouTest(seldom.TestCase):

    def test_case(self):
        """a simple test case """

if __name__ == '__main__':

根据自己的需求编写Web UIApp UIHTTP接口自动化测试。